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The Wisecap Group promotes a corporate culture of transparency and liability, inspired by trust and integrity.

For this reason, and in compliance with the European Directives, we have adopted an internal channel to report to the Supervisory Board any information relating to Group staff and/or third parties, in relation to violation of laws and regulations, or of the Code of Ethics and the Organizational Model 231.

Thanks to the active and responsible participation of employees and third parties, reporting any non-compliant behavior, the company is able to detect any irregularities and take timely corrective measures, in order to safeguard against any economic or reputational damage.


Who can report?

Anyone in a qualified relationship with the Company: employees, collaborators, suppliers, freelancers and consultants, volunteers and trainees, shareholders, persons with functions of administration, management, control, supervision or representation.

The alert must be properly substantiated, and must contain sufficient details to enable the facts reported to be ascertained, but it may be anonymous.


How to report?

A report can be sent through the Whistleblowing service reachable at, that ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter.

The recipient of a report, in any form (written or oral) outside the Portal tool, must send it promptly, and at the latest within 7 days from receipt, to the Supervisory Board, giving simultaneous notice of the transmission to the reporter (if known) and ensuring absolute confidentiality.


How are the reports managed?

Alerts are received by the Supervisory Board.

Within 7 days, an acknowledgement of receipt of the report will be given, and within 3 months of such notice feedback will be provided on the follow-up that is given or is intended to be given on the report.


Guarantee of confidentiality and protection

Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023 (transposition of the European Whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937) introduced a uniform regulation of the reporting channels and the protections granted to whistleblowers in the public and private sectors.

The reporter, the facilitator and the persons involved in the process are guaranteed absolute confidentiality. In the case of anonymous alerts, it is not possible to trace the identity of the reporter.

No form of personal or professional retaliation is allowed or tolerated. If you believe you have been retaliated against due to the report, you can notify the National Anti-corruption Authority (ANAC).